
Take 45 minutes to learn all you need to know about Addressable TV

David Murphy

On Tuesday, 28 June at 10am UK time, we will be hosting a Workshop for senior B2C marketers, looking at Addressable TV, in partnership with Finecast.

The 45-minute online event will look at how Addressable TV can help brands cut through the noise in a crowded, complex advertising space, offering a cost-efficient, powerful way to reach your target audience at scale. It will explain how Addressable TV combines the power of TV with the precision of data-enabled targeting; how it enables brands to execute against niche audiences not available in the TV Ecosystem; and how Addressable TV can lower the cost of entry to TV for brands of all sizes.

The session will include a presentation from Joel Wilkinson, Senior Director, Brand Solutions at Finecast, followed by an interactive discussion around the themes covered, and a chance for delegates to ask any questions raised by the presentation. Joel is an Addressable TV expert, whose role focuses on new business growth through the development of relationships with independent agencies and brands, and the delivery of strategic commercial partnerships.

You can find out more and register for the event here.