
The Trussell Trust launches ‘Put It On Your List’ campaign

David Murphy

The Trussell Trust, a charity that supports UK food banks while working to end the need for them, has launched ‘Put It On Your List’, a dynamic out of home campaign that alerts shoppers to the real-time needs of food banks in their area.

The increased price of food is placing acute pressure on food banks, who are having to buy more food than in previous years, as donations are not keeping up with levels of need. While donations to food banks in the Trussell Trust network increased by 18 per cent last year, they distributed 37 per cent more emergency food parcels than the previous year, meaning there was still a shortfall in stock. As a result, food banks had to purchase 124 per cent more food than in the previous year to meet the

The campaign aims to not only increase donation levels to food banks, but also let people know the items that are needed most by the food banks in their local area.

Created by TMW Unlimited, Put It On Your List is a contextually relevant, geo-targeted digital out of home (DOOH) campaign that notifies local shoppers exactly what items are most needed by their nearest food bank.

The campaign enables the Trussell Trust to highlight which food items are urgently needed in specific areas, then features them on Ocean’s large format digital screens. The creative prompts shoppers to add those items to their shopping list and drop them off at supermarket collection points, or simply scan a QR code to make a direct donation to their local food bank.

The interactive campaign was made possible by winning first prize in the charity category of Ocean Outdoor’s 2022 Digital Creative Competition, which came with a prize of £100,000 worth of free media. It is running across DOOH screens in Newcastle, Manchester, Leeds and Bournemouth until 30 June.

“The food banks in our network are seeing unprecedented levels of need,” said Lynda Battarbee, Director of Operations at the Trussell Trust. “While we are grateful for every donation people make, there are certain items food banks run out of far more frequently than others. This campaign is a great way to remind people of the ever-changing needs of our food banks and will help people to engage more effectively with what’s happening in their own local community.”