
Indeed launches 'Job Jukebox' on Spotify

David Murphy

Employment website, Indeed, has launched a ‘Job Jukebox’ on Spotify to inspire job seekers’ career paths and help them find their next job, based on their listening habits. The Job Jukebox analyzes Spotify users’ listening data to show them career paths inspired by their musical taste and based on the listening habits of thousands of professionals. Users then have the opportunity to explore various career paths and jobs via Indeed. 

Upon entering the Job Jukebox, listening habits are analyzed and users are presented with five ‘records’, each displaying one of the listener’s top five potential career paths. Users can swipe through the records to view each career path, or they can click in to learn a bit more about a specific job category.

Each record provides a deeper dive into the job category with a musical factoid unique to that career field’s listening habits, as well as three recommended jobs via Indeed. Users also have the option to share their personalized Job Jukebox results across social channels.

“Young professionals in particular are constant agents of change in the workplace, and we know they aren’t just open to new jobs, but also to new careers,” said Jennifer Warren, VP of Global Brand Marketing at Indeed. “This fun, personalized experience is a perfect way to inspire the different possibilities job seekers may not have always thought of in today’s labour market, all through the lens of their music listening habits”