
Distimo Analyses Amazon and Android Appstores

Alex Spencer

In December 2011, the Amazon Appstore's top 100 apps generated 14 times as many downloads than in October, according to a report from Distimo. The report, entitled The Amazon Appstore: Show Me The Money, compares the store with Android Market.

According to the report, paid apps, meanwhile, are in the minority on the Android Market – and dropped from 38 per cent to 32 per cent over the last seven months – but in the majority on the Amazon Appstore, holding steady at around 65 per cent. The average price of the top 100 paid apps on Amazon's store, however, is 40 per cent lower than Android's.

Of all the apps that are available in both, 110 generated $200 or more daily during the last week of January - 42 of which generated more revenue in the Amazon Appstore. The report compares US figures only, since the Amazon Appstore is only available in the US.

The full report can be downloaded for free here.