The Future of Mobile

Videobot deployment boosts political engagement in Luxembourg elections

David Murphy

Video chatbot firm, Videobot, has released details of an innovative deployment of its tech during the recent parliamentary elections in Luxembourg. Videobot has already established a strong position as a tool for sales, customer service and lead generation, with clients such as Supercell and Timberwise, but this was the first time it had been used by a political party.

The interactive video format, in which pre-recorded speaker videos are displayed on a website with the user able to navigate via buttons to learn more about the topics of their choice, offers a possibility to customise the user experience, provide information in an approachable way and learn more about what users are interested in.  

Luxembourg’s liberal Demokratesch Partei used Videobot’s technology on its website to present its parliamentary election campaign platform to potential voters. The party, led by current Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, wanted to portray the election process in a simple manner, explain its policies in a concise yet comprehensive way, and engage digital audiences in a more immersive manner.

The DP, which increased its seats in the 60-seat parliament from 12 to 14 in the election held on 8 October, used the videobot to offer potential voters information on the key themes of its electoral programme in Luxembourgish, with subtitles in English, French and German.

“We wanted to offer potential voters access to information in the language they are most comfortable using,” said Sebastien Gudenburg, Media Manager of the Demokratesch Partei. “We saw this as a significant factor in making politics more approachable. It is also important that the voters can see who they are voting for and why. This is something that Videobot helped us achieve, and the campaign was a success.” 

“Videobot makes information easier to digest while increasing trust through personalized connection. This is something that resonates just as well in the political sphere as it does in commercial contexts. Reaching potential voters – especially younger ones – and communicating political topics in an understandable way is not an easy task, but it can be made easier with the right tools,” said Videobot Co-founder, Matias Mäenpää. “We see significant market potential for Videobot in political campaigning and canvassing.”