
Sojo app rewards users for sustainable travel choices

David Murphy

Train ticketing site, Raileasy, has launched an app, Sojo, that rewards users with money-saving vouchers for using public transport, walking or cycling. The app, created by Axon Vibe is free to use and, once the user has given it permission, it turns journeys into rewards without the user’s personal data being seen by or sold to anyone. The app works anonymously behind the scenes and, as a thank you for choosing to travel sustainably, triggers vouchers from retail partners providing offers such as a free coffee, a pastry or clothing and leisure deals all offered in the context of the user’s regular journeys.

The app enables seamless journey planning from door to door, and enables the user to buy a train ticket, hire a bike or book a taxi, where available, across the UK. Sojo has previously launched on four continents, in cities including New York and Tokyo.

"With 92 per cent of Brits thinking about how they can save money and 75 per cent concerned about climate change [source: ONS], we just knew that there was a marketplace for something which would tackle both,” said Raileasy Chief Executive, George Sikking. “Sojo is an absolute win-win, rewarding people financially for saving the earth's natural resources. We think that the climate-conscious people of Great Britain will love it.”