
Push Notification Best Practices – Mobify

Alex Spencer

ipad-push-notificationIn a world where the connected consumer is bombarded with marketing messages full of generic information and vague promises, push notifications provide the opportunity to reach shoppers with meaningful content. Timely in-context messages that unlock relevant offers and helpful information for shoppers based on their location and behaviour drive deeper engagement, advance the path to purchase and inspire loyalty. Read Mobify's Push Notifications Best Practices whitepaper to:

  • Understand the anatomy of a push message and how push messaging works, in four basic steps
  • Differentiate between app push and web push notifications in terms of reach, opt-ins and location capabilities to decide what's best for your business
  • Learn how to map customer personas and tolerance levels to message urgency levels, so that you can effectively build campaigns for persona segments
  • Uncover best practices for opt-in, personalisation, web content, frequency and cadence
  • Make a business case within your organisation to justify web push notifications as a critical communication channel

Download the whitepaper here