
Only Two Per Cent of the UK Shop on Mobiles, says Basekit.com

Alex Spencer

Shoppers in the UK aren't embracing mCommerce as much as you might think, according to a study commissioned by website builder Basekit.com – which found that only two per cent of Brits shop using their mobile. Tablets, meanwhile, fared slightly better, with four per cent using the devices for online shopping.

“There’s huge hype at the moment around Tablets, so it’s perhaps surprising to see that this isn’t being translated into general use amongst Brits,” says Juan Lobato, CEO, Basekit.com. “We don’t believe that many retailers need to rush into creating mobile apps, as our research shows that, as a general rule, Brits aren’t currently shopping through these."

Apple devices proved most popular for shopping – with 76 per cent of those shopping on Tablets using an iPad and 66 per cent of mobile shoppers doing so on their iPhone. Of the 1,000 people surveyed by the study, howver, not one said they used a Windows Mobile handset.

According to the study, carried out by OnePoll, over twice as many men (nine per cent) are shopping online through a Tablet or mobile than women (four per cent), and are the UK’s biggest spenders, spending nearly a third more each month than women, with a roughly even split between in-store and online.