
New Year, New Us

David Murphy

Mobile Marketing magazine celebrates its 15th year in 2020. We launched in 2005, two years before the iPhone, when apps were still a distant dream in a developer’s eye and Wireless Application Protocol was about as sophisticated as the mobile web could get.

Since we launched, we’ve obviously run a whole load of news stories, interviews, features, opinion pieces and videos, and going forward, we’re going to continue to cover the global mobile and digital marketing space, but in a slightly different way.

We’ll aim to offer a more comprehensive overview of what’s happening, by rounding up the key news, launches and events each week. We’ll take a closer look at brands’ mobile marketing strategies in a series of brand interviews, in which we’ll ask what they’re doing on mobile, what’s working, what isn’t, and what lessons they are learning.

We’ll also take a deep dive into the hot topics of the day like App Marketing and Programmatic, talking to the mobile experts that brands turn to for help in these areas. And we’ll be running more branded content from these mobile and digital experts who are tasked with solving marketing challenges and creating great campaigns every time they set foot in the office.

There’s a ton of great stuff happening out there in the mobile and digital marketing world. We look forward to keeping you up to speed with it in 2020 and beyond.

David Murphy
Editorial Director