
Messaging+: A guide to new conversational messaging channels

Tim Maytom - Sponsored by: IMImobile

In the era of conversational messaging, customer experience needs to go beyond traditional messaging channels. Digital and mobile messaging channels will enable brands to deliver conversational services, app-like interactions and data-driven 'micro-moments', winning customers and keeping them coming back.

But which channels should you prioritise in an increasingly complex messaging ecosystem to create and build conversational brand experiences?

Find out in IMImobile's latest eGuide, with insights that include:

  • Why the ability to engage and provide 'app-like' interactions over messaging channels is one of the most powerful CX differentiators
  • A breakdown of the key messaging channels and technologies that are available to brands and marketers for delivering conversational interactions
  • Strategies on how to solve the challenge of managing an increasingly complex customer communications ecosystem.

Download your free copy today to access these insights and more from IMImobile.