
Kingfisher's starts new TV campaign to promote phone recycling

Tim Green

The concept of the 'circular economy' for used devices is the subject of Kingfisher's latest ads.

'Mobile experience' company Kingfisher specialises in the recycling of used phones by giving mobile operators various ways to refurbish and resell them. It worked with marketing agency Superson to come up with this new campaign, which shows how mobile devices can live second, third and even fourth lives.

The film starts with an old phone being discarded into a drawer. The drawer then rotates and dissolves into a series of vignettes denoting the theme of circularity.

According to the GSMA, extending the lifetime of smartphones by just one year has the potential to save up to 21.4 million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year by 2030. The GSMA has set a climate ambition on behalf of the industry to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Luke Nathans, Chief Marketing Officer at Kingfisher, said: “It’s estimated that 5.3 billion phones were taken out of circulation last year, with the majority disappearing into drawers, cupboards or waste bins bound for landfills or incineration. Consumers are looking for sustainable alternatives to device ownership but don’t want to compromise on having the latest devices.

“This campaign aims to turn the concept of the mobile circular economy into something tangible – to show that it’s possible to upgrade whilst extending the life of an existing device, benefiting consumers, carriers and the planet.”