
Kidtech specialist SuperAwesome adds facial ID feature for safer gaming

Tim Green

SuperAwesome has teamed up with digital identity company Yoti to give parents more control over their children's gaming activity.

The two companies are integrating Yoti’s facial age estimation into SuperAwesome’s Kids Web Services (KWS) parent verification tool.

SuperAwesome is a pioneer in so-called 'kidtech'. Its tools are used by creators, content owners, and brands to target safely one billion young people. KWS is a key part of the SuperAwesome offering as its enables developers to verify the identity of parents when personal information is needed. This process is known as Verifiable Parental Consent (VPC), and ensures compliance with privacy laws.

It is typically done by checking a card transaction or a review of identity documents. Now, it can be done using Yoti’s facial age estimation. The technology estimates their age from a selfie. This removes the need to share name, ID or credit card information.

Paul Nunn, Chief Strategy Officer at SuperAwesome, said: “Given not everyone owns or has access to an ID or credit card, Yoti makes KWS more inclusive. In the time since integrating Yoti into KWS, over 60 percent of parents are choosing facial age estimation in the countries where it is available."