The Future of Mobile

iO Global Launches Three Screen Trial

David Murphy

iO Global, a spin-off of BTs ventures program which provides integrated mobile content solutions, is launching a 'Three Screen Trial' to measure the effectiveness of integrated mobile-TV-PC marketing practices. For the first time, publishers, advertisers, agencies, and a mobile content solutions company are joining forces to establish a framework for demonstrating ROI on three-screen marketing initiatives.
iO Global is partnering with several major media companies and advertisers to deliver branded content to a sample of consumers. The trial will kick-off in January 2008. Participating publishers and ad agencies will have access to behavioural and purchasing data, as well as brand health measurements collected during the trial.
We understand the value of delivering personalised, branded consumer experiences on the mobile device, says Bob DeSena, iO Global North America Managing Director. One of the key issues for advertisers interested in adding mobile to the marketing mix has been the lack of strong metrics to gauge campaign effectiveness. The problem is even more acute when it comes to strategies which are integrated across mobile, TV and PC. The iO Global trial is designed to provide advertisers, agencies and media companies with the critical information they need to fully leverage the power of mobile, in conjunction with TV and PC advertising.
The iO Global Three Screen Trial will include only opt-in participants to be divided into test and control zones. Ad campaigns during the trial will be designed to include standard mobile marketing tactics such as banner ads, pre, post-roll and in-stream videos, as well as SMS and pure content sponsorship. The impact of different strategies will be measured by an independent research partner. 
Mobile marketing models prevalent today focus on retail transactions, says iO Global CEO, Martin Knestrick. The opportunities to engage consumers with personalised, relevant messages delivered on mobile devices, at the right times, are significant. The iO Global Three Screen Trial will not only showcase the power of mobile marketing, it will provide publishers and advertisers with the intelligence necessary to gauge multi-platform campaign effectiveness and, ultimately, demonstrate ROI.
iO Globals technology for managing and delivering content to mobile phones has been successfully deployed by carriers in high-growth markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In North America, the company is introducing new services for media companies, advertisers and agencies that support next generation, ad-supported mobile content. iO Global says its solution represents a significant step towards the true integration of consumer experiences across three screens television, personal computer and mobile phone.