
GameStop Partners Up for In-Store Beacon Boost

Tim Maytom

gamestop-storeComputer game retailer GameStop has announced a series of strategic partnerships between its GameStop Technology Institute (GTI) business unit and technology companies Shelfbucks, BestFit Mobile and Dynamic Signal.

The partnerships focus on driving technological innovation and change within the company's store environments, harnessing new and emerging technologies to better address the needs of empowered and informed consumers.

One of the unit's aims is to trial beacon technology in stores, using Shelfbucks' iBeacon platform and BestFit Mobile's ProxDK solution to engage with customers and cut down on 'showrooming' within brick and mortar locations. The beacons will deliver real-time, customised offers via the retailer's app, tailored to consumers' specific interests.

The beacons are being trialled beginning in September in 36 locations throughout the Austin and College Station test markets in Texas, the company's home. Following the initial test period, there is the potential for an additional rollout in another 60 stores by the end of the year.

"Digitisation of the physical retail space has always been a top priority of GTI as we look to further GameStop's evolution as a technology provider," said Charlie Larkin, senior director of technology innovation at GameStop. "Through our partnership with Shelfbucks and our initial deployment of their iBeacon Platform, there are numerous ways to leverage the emerging technology to deliver a next-generation shopping experience."