The Future of Mobile

deCarta Unveils European Solution

David Murphy

deCarta, which supplies software and services for the Location-based Services (LBS) industry, has unveiled its real-time, two-way European connected navigation solution for next-generation personal navigation devices and Smartphones. The software and service will be available to consumer brands, automotive OEMs, in-vehicle service providers, mobile network providers and handset manufacturers from the end of March 2009.
In the US, deCarta supports tens of thousands of SatNav devices connected by real-time, two-way communications. These services are now available for the first time in a fully localised offer to the European market. Beyond traditional navigation functionality, these SatNav devices allow drivers to receive optimised routes based on current traffic conditions. Drivers can also make Internet searches for places or services - and then drive there using the shortest possible route. It is also possible to send addresses to the device from a computer, eliminating the need to print Internet-based maps before a journey.
deCarta says its non-branded service allows its customers to quickly launch CNAV services under their own label and build new revenue streams based on these connected services, providing all the necessary components to deliver
a full-featured, customisable connected navigation application. The
deCarta services include application development, content provider
management and delivery technology, carrier-grade hosting facilities,
MVNO wireless services, device-side modem interface software, wireless
gateway technology and, new patented navigation service technologies.
Internet search is enabled through deCarta's proxy server.
The service offers dynamic content from ARC Europe for real time traffic; RoadPilot for European safety camera databases; Western European mobile connection with a standard low-cost data tariff from Jasper Wireless; and deCarta local search - NavSearch API - for finding businesses and services both on and near to the users route.
deCartas new NavSearch API extends the CNAV service by providing highly relevant search results specifically for mobile and driver users. deCarta says that NavSearch API is a dramatic improvement over most local search offers currently available, which use a simple Point and Radius search. These often give results that the driver has already passed or are hard to drive to because of rivers, traffic or other obstacles.
NavSearch provides easy to use geographic search criteria and knowledge of the road networks, and presents results that are sorted by proximity and accessibility. Where traditional local search engines are intended for use from home or office via a browser, deCarta says that NavSearch is designed specifically with the mobile user and location based services in mind. NavSearch combines text indexing and search with deCartas proprietary spatial keys technology to allow complex searches along a route and searches by minimum driving distance.
NavSearch can be used as part of deCartas service offerings for wireless location-based applications and for connected navigation applications. Users benefit from the increased relevance of the returned search results, making it easier to find places that are convenient to their travels. Additionally, the increased relevance of the results improves the value of location-based offers and advertisements, allowing service providers to develop new advertising-based business models. 
As demand for location based search grows, deCarta is using its geospatial expertise to improve upon the results of those searches, says deCarta President and CEO, J. Kim Fennell. These improvements will translate directly into a better user experience as well as to better business models for our customers."