
Bibigo rolls out ‘The Art of Explosive Flavour’ campaign to support the UK launch of its Seaweed Snacks

David Murphy

CJ Foods-owned Korean food brand, Bibigo, has unveiled a multichannel campaign to launch its Seaweed Snacks range in the UK. The push, ‘The Art of Explosive Flavour’, was developed in partnership with creative agency, Art of the Possible.

The campaign is running across digital-out-of-home, press, digital, social, influencer and point-of-sale channels in the UK, as well as in Germany. The brand will also host a pop-up in Shoreditch in November.

As part of Bibigo’s broader strategy to become one of the UK’s leading Asian food brands, the campaign introduces its Seaweed Snacks range to UK consumers, aiming to land its key differentiators as a convenient, intense-flavoured Korean snack.

Based on Art of the Possible’s research into consumer tastes, the campaign seeks to engage with people who want to “up their snack game” and replace more traditional savoury snacks such as crisps with something more exciting. For these consumers, flavour is king, with other factors such as health and provenance coming a distant second.

The new campaign capitalises on this desire for more innovative, flavourful snack options, dialling into the fact that centuries of care and perfection have gone into Korean cuisine, meaning that it delivers a bigger, better flavour.

The push brings to life the practice and passion have been put into Bibigo Seaweed Snacks, dramatising how the second you open the pack and take a bite, the flavour explodes and overtakes you, bringing colour, excitement and intense sensory enjoyment.

This is visualised across various media with an abstract representation of a flavour burst, incorporating elements of Korean design, and bold shapes and colours that convey the rich tapestry of taste delivered by the snack.

A series of film executions depict people enjoying Bibigo Seaweed Snacks in a variety of scenarios, including at work, post-sport, and during an evening at home.

Bibigo’s Seaweed Snacks range is currently stocked by ASDA and Ocado, as well as in specialist supermarkets.

“We know that the UK is a nation of snackers, with 80% of people snacking multiple times a day,” said Hank Shin, Head of UK Business at CJ Foods. “Despite this, many people continue to eat the same old uninspiring things, even though they’re open to trying something new. We want Bibigo to become the snack of choice for those seeking something different and full of flavour, and this new campaign brings to life the intensity and excitement offered by our products. We can’t wait to see how consumers respond.”