
Adjust Global App Trends 2019

Mobile Marketing

The Global App Trends 2019 covers a year’s worth of data from standout applications in 23 verticals. The report includes metrics such as app retention, session, time spent and fraud data, among a host of new discoveries. How fast did apps grow globally? How many times did users open certain applications? What does a day in the life of apps actually look like? Download the report to answer these questions and learn more about the state of apps.

The report will show you:

  • In-depth app performance across 23 verticals.
  • Retention, Sessions, Time Spent data, split by vertical and country.
  • A spotlight on Travel, Shopping and Banking apps.

With the latest Global App Trends report, you learn everything you need to know about how the app economy flourished in 2018 and how you can use this to make better-informed decisions. So, download the report today!