
White Bullet releases Ad Funded Piracy Report for World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

David Murphy - Member Content

Cybersecurity and IP protection company, White Bullet, has worked alongside the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) to help prevent ad-funded piracy for over a year, and recently released a six-month update revealing key trends in cybersecurity in the monitored markets throughout 2022.

WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation – a self-funding agency of the United Nations. Its mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. Meanwhile, WIPO ALERT is a secure, online platform to which authorised bodies in WIPO member states can upload details of websites or apps which have been determined to infringe copyright according to national rules. Combined with the millions of infringing web and app pages tracked by White Bullet, partners can be assured of security when blocking ads to pirate services.

The report covers data related to domains from selected WIPO ALERT territories, Italy, Lithuania and Spain: some 461 websites which were active with IP-infringing content and displayed ads. It includes an overview of trends in ad impressions and revenue on selected WIPO ALERT websites in Q1 and Q2 2022; an advertising snapshot; and a trend analysis.

Key highlights include the fact that branded ads decreased from 57 per cent in the January 2022 Report to 51 per cent in the July 2022 Report – a drop of six percentage points, or 11 per cent.

Arts and Entertainment sector ads decreased from 49 per cent in the January 2022 Report to 20 per cent in the July 2022 Report – making this now the second highest sector for major brands ads after personal finance sector ads – which increased from 15 per cent in the January 2022 Report to 50 per cent in the July 2022 report.

“As a WIPO ALERT member, we are delighted to continue to support this valuable initiative to help defund online piracy,” said Peter Szyszko, Founder and CEO, White Bullet. “WIPO plays an important role by providing a policy forum to shape international IP rules for a changing world, as well as technical infrastructure to connect IP systems and share knowledge, to enable all countries to use IP for economic, social and cultural development.”

White Bullet has already stopped millions of pounds of ad spend from funding piracy by collaborating with brands, advertisers, regulators and rights owners. Its Intellectual Property Infringement Platform (IPIP) is designed to make the job of detecting fraudulent content easier and helps to take the profit out of Intellectual property crime. By connecting rights owners and the advertising industry with real-time data about piracy risk, so all parties can take action, White Bullet’s solutions allow clients to understand the universe of piracy and to stop it from generating revenue.