The Future of Mobile

Trademob Tests Flaws in App Marketing

Alex Spencer

Most companies are only marketing apps at an average 41 per cent of their potential – that's the finding of an app marketing test from Trademob. Presented to visitors to the M-Days event in Frankfurt, the multiple-choice test was designed to assess the status quo of the test taker's marketing activities and strategy.

That 41 per cent is the average score of those taking the test – the number of overall 'right' answers to the questions, which each represented a specific marketing strategy.

“For each question, the best scenario answer was based on experiences made by major app advertisers as well as our clients' experiences,” Trademob CEO Ravi Kamran told Mobile Marketing. “During several discussions and surveys conducted at our event and personal meetings, we had the chance to exchange lots of knowledge and experiences with other advertisers. Of course, during our every day business, we are also able to collect information on the success and failures of different app marketing activities and strategies.  We have constantly stored and analysed this knowledge and were thus able to retrieve certain strategies that have proven more successful than others as well as identify typical mistakes many app marketers commit.”

The most common error, made by 81 of the 92 participants, was optimising campaigns according to downloads and clicks, rather than to post-download activities – app activity, registrations, and purchases – which can be monetised more efficiently.