
Sri Lankan Brief for Celltick

David Murphy

Dialog, Sri Lankas largest mobile operator, has appointed Celltick to manage its interactive mobile media service, Zero77 LIVE. Under the terms of the agreement, Celltick will be responsible for raising revenues for Dialog by managing all aspects of the service, including editorial content, programming, content alliances and advertising sales. 
Zero77 LIVE, powered by Cellticks LiveScreen Media, began broadcasting to a test subscriber base of 120,000 users, and is now open to all Dialog subscribers. Zero77 LIVE delivers carefully targeted content and marketing messages directly to subscribers' mobile idle screens, turning them into a network of synchronised, interactive personal billboards.
Since its launch in 2003, the services popularity has grown phenomenally, says Celltick, noting that in December 2006, Dialog had to extend the service to keep up with subscriber demand. Zero77 LIVE has proven to increase Dialogs ARPU and provide strong revenue streams from advertising, the company says. In the new agreement, in which the service will reach all of Dialog's 4.5 million subscribers, Celltick and Dialog expect to raise ARPU even further, due to revenues stemming from a well targeted mix of content and advertising messages.
Cellticks managed service team will work at Dialog, editing content and programming the broadcasts in order to build a relevant, high quality user experience for subscribers. The team will also be responsible for building strong relationships with local and global content aggregators and advertising agencies, to provide fresh content and increase revenue.
Celltick's LiveScreen Media, branded by Dialog Zero77 LIVE, has helped propel Dialog to the forefront of innovation, proving to be a valuable service to our subscribers, as well as a great revenue stream for the business, says Dialog Chief Marketing Officer, Nushad Perera. We are keen to maximise its potential and are confident that Celltick has the expertise to achieve this.
Celltick recently evolved its business strategy from a license-based to a managed services model. Under the new proposition, Celltick will distribute unlimited licenses at no cost to mobile operators and will be responsible for managing all aspects of the LiveScreen Media service.