
SpinVox Goes Social

David Murphy

Voice-to-Screen messaging company SpinVox has launched 'Social Networks through SpinVox' which enables voice-driven social networking from any mobile phone. The service enables users to post to Facebook, Jaiku or Twitter by talking into their mobile phone.

Social Networks through SpinVox is launched today as a key element of the new SpinVox website. People can create an account on from where they can manage one, two or all three of their networking sites from one, personalised page.  In addition, accounts can be set up so that one voice-powered contribution can be posted automatically to all three networking sites. SpinVox expects to extend this capability to other well-known social networking and micro-blogging sites in the coming months.
To post, bloggers simply speak into any mobile handset. Social Networks through SpinVox then automatically creates text and posts directly to their chosen sites. If a user wants to share something immediately with their online community - an urgent piece of news, a review of a great film or their latest holiday adventure - they can.

SpinVox is all about using voice to enable person-to-person messaging through any network or service,  whether by SMS text, email, blog, or social network walls and spaces, says SpinVox CEO and Co-founder, Christina Domecq. The use of social networks and micro-blogging sites has exploded in the past few years, but, so far, theyve lacked true mobility and so are not achieving their full potential. Whether youve just walked out of a concert or have discovered a great new place to eat, your voice can now be used in place of the keyboard to tell the world the news and capture your thoughts, emotions and experiences 'in the moment' as and when they happen.

SpinVox enabled voice to enter the blogosphere for the first time with the launch of its ground-breaking Spin-my-Blog service in February. The service was the first to allow users to post their thoughts onto a blog by calling a phone number and speaking the message, which is then converted automatically to text and posted on the site.

The launch of the Social Networks Through SpinVox service is a further groundbreaking development for Web 2.0, which is largely characterised by the power it gives users to generate and share their own content, says Domecq. SpinVox is a natural interface between online and mobile worlds, and is already in use by LiveJournal users in the blogosphere, enabling the power of Web 2.0 communities to go truly mobile.