
"SMS - That'll do Nicely Sir"

David Murphy

Admit_oneMobile Ticketing and Mobile Retail Services, aided by new mobile phone-based payment schemes, will generate over $63bn worth of revenue by 2010, as mobile phone users increasingly use their devices for mobile commerce. Thats the conclusion of a report Mobile Commerce (mCommerce) Strategies from Juniper Research, that reveals that the innovative use of technology such as mobile barcodes, and the integration of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) into mobile devices, coupled with consumer demand for easy-to-use applications, is driving up the adoption of Mobile Ticketing and Mobile Retail Services.
The report includes interviews with, and analysis from, representatives of some of the fastest growing mobile commerce service providers. It concludes that by 2010, 87m European mobile users (15% of the total), and 32% of Japanese mobile users, will be using their mobiles to buy tickets.
The report also predicts that worldwide mobile payment revenues will reach over $10billion by 2010, fuelled by the use of mobile barcodes, and the rapid adoption of m-retail transactions in India and China.
The modern mobile phone and mobile network provides unparalleled levels of commercial potential says report author Alan Goode. We are now beginning to enter the mCommerce era and this era will see all of its expectations met.
A free whitepaper and further details of the study are available here.

Juniper Research