
RNF Digital Innovation Reveals Indoor Navigation Project

Tim Maytom

rnf beacon naviMobile applications company RNF Digital Innovation has revealed an ambitious project to develop an indoor navigation system using beacon technology.

The aim of the project is deploy and utilise beacon technology in a way never seen before, enabling the creation of a user experience in advance of what is currently available. The technology will have applications for a range of sectors, for example enabling supermarket shoppers to determine their quickest, most economical route through the store, while alerting them to offers and product updates on the way.

The company is investing £702,000 to create the technology, having secured a £500,000 grant from the Technology Strategy Board, the UK's Innovation Agency. The further £202,00 will come through RNF Digital Innovation and its collaborative partners, the Bestway Group, Aston University and the University of Lincoln, who will both also provide technical and research support for the project.

"We are really excited to be working on this project with RNF Digital Innovation, Bestway Cash and Carry and Aston University, which will exploit these services to enable market-leading mobile apps, and new and uniquely personalised experiences for Bestway customers," said Dr Patrick Dickinson, from the School of Computer Science at University of Lincoln. "Shoppers will be able to use an intelligent location-sensitive app which integrates with their shopping trip.

"It will combine their preferences and previous shopping behaviour with information about the store they are visiting, to plan their unique experience in real-time, alert them to points of interest, resulting in a more productive and enjoyable visit."

"RNF has always prided itself in being at the forefront of modern mobile app development," said Rob Mannion, managing director of RNF Digital Innovation. "With the support of the Technology Strategy Board's grant, our research and development activities in the field of beacons and indoor navigation will reinforce our position as market leaders in the field."