
RIM Scores MasterCard NFC Certification

Andy Penfold

RIM has announced that its BlackBerry 9900 and BlackBerry Curve 9360 are the first SIM-based NFC smartphones to be certified by MasterCard as PayPass-approved devices. 

MasterCard PayPass is MasterCard's NFC solution, and the Bold 9900 and Curve 9360 are the first devices that are approved for assigning banking or credit accounts to the SIM card. RIM says it achieved MasterCard's certification on the basis of functionality, interoperability and security requirements. 

France Telecom - Orange and Orange UK have already launched NFC services, and Vincent Barnaud, director of contactless services at France Telecom says: "We are happy to offer the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and BlackBerry Curve 9360 as part of the Orange range of mobile NFC devices. We are committed to actively marketing NFC devices, and these new smartphones will help accelerate the adoption of mobile NFC services secured by an Orange SIM, including mobile payments."

Andrew Bocking, VP of handheld software product management at RIM says: "NFC technology is making smartphones even smarter and the MasterCard certification is a significant step forward in helping transform the way we use mobile devices for payments. We are working proactively with our carrier partners, banks, retailers and other industry players and we are excited to push the boundaries of how NFC can enable new mobile experiences for BlackBerry smartphone users around the world."