
Obama Trouces McCain...on Mobile

David Murphy

Fun Text, the content-based mobile messaging service that enables consumers to send and share professionally-created multimedia on mobile, says that according to sales of election-related content in the US, Barack Obama is set to defeat John McCain in the US Presidential Elections.
Fun Text is providing multimedia message content for each candidate, and says that the number of messages sent so far tie in with current election outcome predictions that Obama is in the lead.
Fun Text content is updated every day, so there is always something new and topical, but we hadnt anticipated that this could be such a great way of predicting who might win the US presidential election, says Fun Text Director, James Pycock. Unlike an online poll where people are quizzed on their preference, this pulse takes into account peoples actual use of this content. Obama currently has 82% of the Fun Text vote, and McCain 18%. Clearly Obama has won the vote of the typically younger mobile demographic.
Pycock adds that mobile users are likely to increase their purchase and sending of such messages in the final run-up to the election, and say that keeping a close eye on the figures is likely to give a good indication of who will win in the end.