
Nimbuzz Launches iPhone App

David Murphy

Iphone_nimbuzzNimbuzz, which provides mobile Instant Messaging (IM), (geo) presence and VoIP services, has launched a free iPhone application that lets users call, chat and message, for free, with their friends on virtually all major IM communities and social networks, including Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, Facebook, MySpace, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ and Jabber.
Nimbuzz says that application will be the first complete messaging product available with landscape mode chat, IM buddy calling (including Yahoo!), and regional social network support. Furthermore, says Nimbuzz it is the first product to offer IM buddy calling over wi-fi to Yahoo! Messenger, as well as Google Talk, Skype, and Windows Live Messenger.
Nimbuzz also supports chat for local social networks, such as StudiVZ, the biggest German speaking social network, Hyves for The Netherlands, and Gadu-Gadu in Poland.
Nimbuzz is a lifestyle application, designed to meet any communication need. The centralized contact list aggregates contacts of the most popular social and IM networks. Other key features include Personal Message, which enables users to broadcast real-time status updates to all contacts; presence information to see who is online and where; and emoticons for additional expression. Nimbuzz currently has over 10 million logins per day, and is adding over 10,000 new users per day.