
Mobile Commerce Announces US Launch

David Murphy

Mobile Commerce, which provides mobile search and location services, has announced the launch of its Monetised Search service, which has previously been available only in the UK,  across the United States.
Mobile Commerce says its Monetised Search service offers a white-label solution that gives the publisher control and flexibility over how they want to deliver the search experience to their users, including integration with their own on-portal search results. The service delivers advertiser listings and natural search results which are all optimised for the mobile Internet. There are no costs to the publisher for using the service, and they earn revenue when an advertiser listing is clicked.
The service comes with a suite of online reports that cover in depth usage metrics and analysis. This includes a taxonomy report which groups popular search terms together into a hierarchy of categories, in addition to assimilating common misspellings based on intent. This enables the publisher to get an accurate insight into what their users are searching for. Usage reports also include origin and time of search; top search terms; advertiser position (i.e. rankings by the amount an advertiser is prepared to pay each time a link to an advert is selected); and click types, which is the number of searches and end user clicks broken down by sponsored results and mobile web results respectively.
Mobile search engine Taptu is the first company to sign up to the US service. Its SVP, Business Development, Bob Last, says:
(We have been) working closely with Mobile Commerce since last year. Mobile Commerce significantly improves the availability of relevant ads for our users. The US is our busiest market for mobile searches at Taptu and we are very pleased to be extending our involvement with Mobile Commerce to monetise more of this US search traffic.