
Kuwait News unveils AI-generated news presenter, Fedha

David Murphy

A Kuwaiti media outlet says it has created a virtual news presenter using artificial intelligence (AI), the BBC reportsThe presenter, called Fedha, was unveiled on Kuwait News’s Twitter account.

In a 13-seond video, speaking in Arabic, the presenter said: "I'm Fedha, the first presenter in Kuwait who works with artificial intelligence at Kuwait News. What kind of news do you prefer? Let's hear your opinions." 

Abdullah Boftain, Deputy Editor-in-chief for Kuwait News, told AFP news agency the move tested AI's potential to offer new and innovative content.

"Fedha is a popular, old Kuwaiti name that refers to silver, the metal,” he said. “We always imagine robots to be silver and metallic in colour, so we combined the two.”

He also said that the presenter's blonde hair and light-coloured eyes reflected the country's diverse population of Kuwaitis and expatriates, and that Fedha may develop to have a Kuwaiti accent and read online news bulletins.