The Future of Mobile

Integral Ad Science buys digital advertising transparency provider Amino

Tyrone Stewart

Digital ad verification company Integral Ad Science (IAS) has acquired Amino Payments, a provider of programmatic advertising transparency, for an undisclosed sum.

In April of last year, IAS partnered with Amino to ‘bridge the transparency gap in programmatic’ by delivering a solution to show advertisers the true cost of their qualified media. The solution, called Total Visibility, provides advertisers with impression-level financial insights and media quality verification.

As a result of the acquisition, Total Visibility is now solely an IAS brand and Amino Payments will be retired.

“Programmatic advertising continues to grow at a tremendous pace, and with this acquisition we’re bringing comprehensive transparency to the entire industry,” said Lisa Utzschneider, IAS CEO. “By welcoming Amino Payments to IAS, we will unleash the full potential of programmatic advertising for marketers who need their campaigns to be highly effective and cost-efficient.”

Amino Payments CEO Will Luttrell added, “As even more digital media is transacted programmatically, the need for transparency will continue to be critical for advertisers. The Amino Payments team is thrilled to join IAS, the market leader in verification, to pursue a joint vision to bring unprecedented transparency into programmatic advertising.”