The Future of Mobile

GoldSpot Launches Trial-in-a-Box Mobile TV Solution

David Murphy

GoldSpot Media has announced the launch of Trial-in-a-Box, which it says is the first rapid prototyping platform providing a controlled environment for evaluating the profitability of targeted, interactive mobile broadcast TV advertising models. 
GoldSpot says it has launched the solution in order to accelerate the process of identifying and evaluating profitable and sustainable business models, in response to the two major barriers to the commercialisation of mobile broadcast services: the ROI from the significant cost of deployment;  and subscriber unwillingness to pay sizable monthly subscriptions for the service.
Trial-in-a-Box leverages GoldSpots end-to-end dynamic ad-insertion solution for broadcast TV and streaming video on mobile phones. It adapts the proven inventory and revenue-sharing business models used successfully in the traditional TV market and optimizes them for the mobile medium. Trial-in-a-Box provides Mobile TV value chain partners with the ability to test the effectiveness of multiple advertising business models, ranging from free broadcast TV to individual pay-per-stream, and everything in between.   
Virtually everything is in place today, including mature broadcast technologies, standardization, mobile broadcast terminals, high quality content and consumer acceptance, to make interactive mobile broadcast TV a reality," says GoldSpot Media Senior Vice President, Business Development, Staffan Nilsson.  "The glaring exception is proof that it can be profitable to the entire value-chain. Trial-in-a-Box is designed to help solve the Catch-22. Its the first controlled opportunity for Mobile TV service providers and ad inventory holders to determine how to optimally integrate advertising to create highly-profitable mobile video services across broadcast and 3G.
GoldSpot says its Mobile TV and video advertising solution facilitates the creation of new ad and interactivity formats, allowing ad inventory owners to analyze appropriate advertising models based on their regional regulatory environments. The Trial-in-a-Box product will allow service providers to conduct advertising experiments with various forms of broadcast content, including live broadcasts, such as sports and news; recorded content, such as movies and TV shows; and tailored made-for-mobile content.