
Geocast Launches Layar Layer

David Murphy

Local mobile and web advertising network Geocast has developed a new layer for augmented reality app Layar that enables people to search for discount restaurants, hotels and vouchers under the Local Sale Finder layer.
Layar is an iPhone and Android Augmented Reality (AR) app that interfaces with the phone’s camera and overlays what the user sees with information. Geocast’s new layer means that, rather than just searching for the location of the nearest pizza restaurant, Layar users will now receive relevant offers and vouchers which they can use for their visit.
“We are delighted to launch our location-based advertising delivery on the Layar platform,” says Geocast CEO, Brad Liebmann. “It is part of our plan to work consistently to extend the reach of our advertisers, and serve up the most salient local offers that drive footfall for our advertisers and savings for consumers.”