
Conference Explores Mobile Money

David Murphy

The second annual GSMA Mobile Money Summit will be held in Barcelona, Spain from 22-25 June. The event will bring together senior executives from financial services institutions, mobile network operators, development organisations and solutions vendors, as well as regulatory and policy makers. Speakers include Gavin Krugel from the GSMA, Dag-Inge Flatraaker from the European Payments Council, Steve Kietz from Mobile Money Ventures, and Claire Alexandre from Vodafone.
The organizers say that the event will provide an overview of the global addressable market for mobile money, a showcase for new technologies, a forum for sharing key success factors in mobile financial services, and lessons learned from around the world. Registration for the event costs $1,199 (780) for GSMA members, $1,599 for non-members.Theres more information here.