
The 3 million Mash Up

David Murphy

Gofresh has revealed that its ad-funded US and European mobile content community itsmy.com, which has almost 1 million registered mobile phone users, now connects more than 3.1 million items of mobile content items its user-personalised mobile mash up service.
In just five months, the company reports, 400,000 users have linked 3.1 million free mobile contents in the off-deck community. The most popular mobile mash up items are user-generated videos, followed by user pictures and mobile blogs and diaries. Links to other cool mobile content sites show the highest growth rates. 64% of all mash up content is already tagged.
Authentic user-generated content (UGC) is not just a buzz word for itsmy.com, says Gofresh, but a business philosophy. itsmy.com allows users only to upload real and authentic UGC. An automated alert system has been set up for users to report content non-compliance with itsmy.coms strict publication guidelines.
To get involved in the mobile mash up, browse to http://mobile.itsmy.com on your phone. The mobile-only community has more than 2.5 million WAP sites, including personal picture and video blogs, UGC music galleries, ad-funded games, Mobile TV, and UGC on users homepages. Look for the content you want, add it to the My favorite download section on your own mobile homepage, and your own mobile mash up site is ready.
The most attractive personal download sites within itsmy.com already have more than 15,000 unique mobile Internet visitors, the company says. With the new, easy-to-use mash up system and word of mouth recommendation from satisfied users, it expects the number to grow rapidly.
itsmy.com is a browser-based community making application downloads unnecessary to visit personal homepages. Registered users get a short, mobile URL for their personal homepages and mobile mash up sites that can be personalised, making it easy to invite friends and share content.
In December Gofresh, the company behind itsmy.com, launches the next mash up phase, when all personal mobile mash up sites will be linked to each other with the possibility to create interest groups. The company will also launch an enhanced content search tool to make it even easier for users to find exactly the piece of content they are most interested in.
Personal mobile content mash up sites will be the biggest search service for relevant and trusted content in the future, says Gofresh CEO, Antonio Vince Staybl.