
2019 Awards Preview: Most Effective Charity Campaign or Solution

Tyrone Stewart

Ahead of our 2019 Effective Mobile Marketing Awards, staged in partnership with our headline partner Dynata, and our partners DAX and TabMo, we'll be previewing the nominees in each category,giving you a glimpse at the high quality of entries we've seen this year. In today’s preview, we look at the best charity campaigns and solutions.

American Lung Association, Ad Council, and Ogury: Saved by the Scan Mobile Campaign
With advanced technologies like low-dose CT scan screening, patients can now detect symptoms of lung cancer earlier — when it’s more likely to be curable. However, people aren’t aware of the advanced technology. The American Lung Association (ALA) wanted to change that and raise awareness about the early detection solution.

The problem faced by the organisation in doing this was that it needed to identify and connect with target audiences while complying with data privacy laws. So, the ALA and Ad Council partnered with Ogury to identify and inform target audiences.

Ogury developed the interactive ‘Saved by the Scan’ campaign with the aim of increasing mobile display site sessions, driving completions for the campaign’s interactive component, and boosting clickthrough rates and video complete rates.

The goal was to reach 9m people at high risk (including former smokers, ages 55–80 with a 30-pack year smoking history, who quit within the last 15 years) and encourage them to take an online quiz to see if they are eligible for the screening.

The intended audience for the campaign was former smokers but, as lung cancer can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or ethnicity, Ogury used its first-party, mobile journey data to identify the target audience based on mobile behaviours.

The campaign drove nearly 29,600 mobile display site sessions, with an 85 per cent video completion rate. More than 1,500 visitors driven by Ogury’s support completed the interactive quiz and 23 per cent of those were categorised as ‘high-risk respondents’.

Breast Cancer Care & Yodel Mobile: BECCA Charity App Growth Initiative
Yodel Mobile partnered with Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now’s BECCA app to offer them its App Growth Programme project over a year.

The BECCA app was created to provide information, support and inspiration to help empower and equip women for life beyond breast cancer treatment. Anyone struggling to move forward after treatment can download BECCA, and receive instant access to support from the moment they finish treatment for as long as they need it. The app delivers daily bite-size tips - on topics like diet, exercise, signs and symptoms, body image and mindfulness – in a digital ‘deck of cards’ to help women to find new ways to face life beyond breast cancer with confidence.

The BECCA team wanted to implement the right tools and setup required for analysis and optimisations, increase brand visibility for users who would really utilise BECCA, and increase engagement rates of users with curated content. The Yodel programme included strategies such as organic discoverability, app store optimisation (ASO), conversion rate optimisation, mCRM, and data infrastructure to achieve these goals.

To ensure BECCA had the correct analytics and attribution setup, Yodel conducted a data architecture review and recommended changes to the app’s analytics setup, aiding technical implementation and ensuring the tool was functional. It also recommended and integrated attribution tool, AppsFlyer.

In order to increase visibility, Yodel conducted a granular app diagnostic and competitor review to determine opportunities to implement high-efficiency and high-volume keywords. This informed keyword optimisations and led to Yodel updating BECCA’s app store descriptions and screenshots.

On the engagement rate front, Yodel executed a mobile customer relationship management workshop, covering best practices across app review and feedback management, social sharing, timing and user types, personalisation, permission priming, content, and tone. It also aided the BECCA team in setting up push messaging schedules, A/B testing frameworks, and retention strategies across key points in the user journey.

The results of the campaign are confidential but the BECCA app considerably increased impressions, engagement, and downloads in the year between May 2018 and May 2019.

Movember Foundation & Swrve: Elevating Reach and Relevance
Men’s health charity the Movember Foundation wanted to increase fundraising by over 15 per cent from 2017 to 2018. With November being its busiest and most lucrative 30 days of its calendar, Movember needed a solution that would effectively engage its mobile audience as well as its email and web subscriber base. This solution also had to seamlessly integrate with its existing CRM, Oracle Marketing Cloud, to help the foundation send mobile messaging that could complement its email campaigns and reflect the actions of its customers were taking in real-time.

Swrve gave Movember the ability to weave mobile messaging into customer journeys already existing in Oracle Marketing Cloud canvases. Movember could also stream customer data directly from Oracle into Swrve in real-time, enabling it to deliver mobile messaging based on what a subscriber has – or hasn’t – done across email, mobile, and web. Movember used Swrve to send relevant in-app messages and personalised push messaging.

Within the three-month period of using Swrve, Movember saw a 300 per cent increase in mobile engagement amongst Android users and increased in email opens by nine per cent, lifting email revenue by 48 per cent. 57,000 of Movember’s users – more than 15 per cent of its participant base – opted into push notifications and there were over 75,000 opens of transactional push notifications about new donations.

Zoë-Life & PlusNarrative: TalkTool
The KidzAlive Mobilised program aims to help South African children understand HIV. The program trains healthcare workers and empowers HIV-exposed and -infected children and adolescents, and their primary caregivers, to overcome barriers that prevent children from receiving HIV testing and treatment and to set them on the path to a healthy future.

The digitisation and animation of TalkTool is a part of the KidzAlive drive to adopt wireless technology as a means to overcome the social and structural barriers attached to HIV testing and support in South Africa.

A full cast of characters and story had already been developed for the TalkTool pen and paper book. The TalkTool story itself boasts a recognisable crew of characters who tell stories relatable to children, and valuable for supporters attempting to understand the plight of the child undergoing HIV testing.

PlusNarrative acted to digitise and animate this valuable storytelling support tool, creating an interactive experience which caters for rich child input, comprehensive health worker feedback systems, and medical monitoring through ethical and private data accumulation.

The interactive games offered on the app increased children’s retention of information and led to a safer, more positive grasp of their HIV status.

After receiving training on the TalkTool app, healthcare workers in Qualcomm’s pilot study reported a 62 per cent increase in confidence and competence in providing age-appropriate, children-centred counselling, disclosure and care for HIV-exposed and -infected children.

The Effective Mobile Marketing Awards Ceremony takes place in London on 14 November. To book your place at this celebration of the best in mobile marketing, click here.